03 Black and White starts with color?!

Andy, Nikon Z7ii 14mm ISO 100 f/5.6 1/125sec at Death Valley

So I found a missing tool this week that felt like I had something really click in terms of photo editing.

I learned that to create a black and white image you need color.

Yeah, what?

So here’s the deal without making this some kind of crazy long or confusing post. Until this week, I created black and white images by editing my color photo, then hitting the “make black and white” button in photoshop. Yes, it creates a black and white photo, but it kept feeling blah to me. It looked dull and hazy no matter what I was doing. That’s because I was losing all my color information. It turned my beautiful colors into a yucky mess of greywash. It didn’t matter how much I tried to bring it back, it looked simply dull.

I have since learned that if there’s a button or swipe to do it all, it’s likely the wrong way to do it. So we are going to talk about tone mapping, without using those words. This is a way to tell each color value in the image what value of Black or white to have and then apply that mapping to the entire image. This is a slow and deliberate process, but the outcome is getting closer to my desired state.

How does this translate to real images?

Now we are really cooking with something serious. I know that there are no silver bullets that will fix all ills, and there is no piece of software that has the magic bullet to make great artwork. This will be a slow process, but my hope is that each step brings me closer to the vision I have in my head showing up on the screen in front of you. This step has me very excited to see the progress so far.


04 What the Fog?


02 Mt. Whitney, Winter Sunrise